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For a Better Future Why does it focus on good practices?

to the European Union according to "good practiceThe definition of "may vary depending on the situation in question. However, many definitions for good practice include "“strategies, approaches and/or activities that have been proven through research and evaluation to be effective, efficient, sustainable or transferable and to reliably lead to a desired outcome.”It seems that it has been handled accordingly.*

Council of Europe Center of Expertise on Local Government Reformprepared by "Good Practices in Local GovernmentsIn the report named "** (the Council of Europe Center of Expertise for Local Government Reform) some common features of good practices are listed. Accordingly, "good practices" are:

  • It is directly related to change,

  • It provides a powerful and participatory learning opportunity built on the experiences of those who have encountered similar situations,

  • It is cost-effective,

  • It is motivating as it contributes to improving the quality of local government as a whole and achieving excellence in service delivery.  

Asian Development Bank published by "Identifying and Sharing Good PracticesThe article "*** summarizes the benefits of good practices as follows:

  • Replaces applications that are weaker in terms of performance,

  • It accelerates the learning process of inexperienced new employees,

  • Prevents the same work from being done again (“preventing reinvention of the wheel”),

  • It is cost effective,

  • Improves service delivery,

  • It minimizes corporate information loss. 

11th Development Plan Local Governments Specialization Commission ReportThe future of cities and the need for good practices in this context are expressed as follows: "Nowadays, the importance of cities and therefore the effectiveness of local governments is increasing day by day. In the process that started with the influence of globalization, it is becoming increasingly important to see and compare good practices in order to increase service quality among local governments that produce services and solutions for citizens."*

In the said report, "YNot sharing projects/good practices implemented by local governments" is defined as a problem area, "Increasing service quality by expanding project transfer between local governments" is presented as a recommendation for action. 

On the platform, issues such as energy, environment, transportation, circular economy, smart applications, reward & financing, which are thought to have an important place in the future of cities, and the sharing of good practices on these issues are supported. 

*What are the good practices? 

**Best Practices in Local Governments, prepared By the Council of Europe Center of Expertise for Local Government Reform in cooperation with CoE experts John Jackson, Cezary Trutkowski and Irfhan Mururajani, April 2015, Council of Europe, Strasbourg 

***Olivier Serrat, "Identifying and Sharing Good Practices", November 2008, Asian Development Bank

****11th. Development Plan, Local Governments Special Expertise Commission Report 

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